Getting Started: Customizing for Your Class or Department

MathXL courses provide a complete online solution for students upon adoption by the instructor.

>MathXL provides a variety of course-management and customization tools. You can easily add and modify content, create and assign online homework and tests, and monitor your students' progress. When you have created a MathXL course, students can enroll in the course and use MathXL on their own to practice and improve their skills.

MathXL courses provide an ideal self-paced solution for students who want to work on their own to practice and improve their skills. Once students have registered for MathXL, they can use the program independently (without your involvement) to take pre-loaded sample tests for each chapter of their textbook, receive a study plan based on their test results, and link from the study plan to unlimited tutorial exercises similar to those in their book.

Here are just a few of the ways you can customize a MathXL course to fit your individual needs or the needs of your department:


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